Welcome to the FMT Group!
The mission of FMT is to develop mathematically sound methods, high-performance data structures and algorithms, practical tools, and suitable languages for the design of reliable software- and data-intensive control systems.
We focus on modelling, synthesis, analysis, prediction, testing, and maintenance of functional, structural and quantitative aspects of such systems. We aim to understand safety, reliability, performance and energy usage of complex systems and the risks and costs associated to their architecture, design, operation and maintenance.
Our mission builds on extensive experience in concurrency theory, static analysis, theorem proving, testing, language design, empirical software engineering, model checking, and term/graph rewriting.
Our concrete areas of research are:
- Quantitative modelling and analysis for cyber-physical and socio-technical systems;
- Program design, testing, and verification for (concurrent) software;
- High-performance methods, algorithms, and data structures for model checking and model transformation;
- Empirical study and improvement of software development practice;
- New methodologies to improve programming education.