Symposium: Random Walks in the Quarter-Plane: Invariant Measures and Performance Bounds

When: May 22, 2015, 10:30-16:00

Where: Carre-2H

Who: other:

The program includes presentations by the following guests: I.J.B.F. Adan (Eindhoven University of Technology), Prof.dr. N.M. van Dijk (University of Amsterdam/ University of Twente) and J.-P. Katoen (University of Twente/ RWTH Aachen University).

The speakers will present their research on Markov processes. The symposium will conclude with the public PhD thesis defense of Yanting Chen.


Participants will be offered coffee, tea and lunch.


There is no registration fee, but we kindly ask you to announce your presence as soon as possible by sending a confirmation to in order to arrange for drinks and lunch. Thank you.



10:30 - 10:45      Welcome coffee and tea

10:45 - 11:15      Ivo Adan – Stretching the limits of the compensation approach

11:30 - 12:00      Joost-Pieter Katoen – Stochastic Petri Nets Revisited

12:10 - 13:20      Lunch at Ravelijn Atrium

13:30 - 14:00      Nico van Dijk – How large can an error be?


14:30 - 16:00      Thesis defense Yanting Chen – Random Walks in the Quarter-Plane: Invariant Measures and Performance Bounds (Berkhoff auditorium)


For further information about the program of the symposium, see

We are looking forward to seeing you.