/* Abstract syntax */ funnytree: Str(casestring) | Cons(funnytree funnytree) ;
In the yacc input file, concrete syntax is translated into abstract syntax using the operator functions. Note also the type annotation of concrete symbols, as in %token <yt_casestring> ID. This type is a union selector of the generated YYSTYPE.
/* Concrete syntax */ %{ #include"k.h"
funnytree thetree; %}
%token <yt_casestring> ID
%type <yt_funnytree> tree %%
theroot:tree { thetree = $1;};
tree: ID { $$ = Str($1);} |'('
tree tree')'
{ $$ = Cons($2, $3);} ;
The typical way of using lex is to have the lexical analyser generate tokens for the parser and build values of the phylum casestring. The following is the complete lex input.
/* Lexemes */ %{ #include"k.h"
%} %% [a-zA-Z0-9]+ { yylval.yt_casestring = mkcasestring(yytext); return ID;} [\t\n ] { ; } /* skip the white space */ . { return yytext[0]; }