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Rewrite Systems and Functions

Combinators are a technique for implementing functional languages. This example, combinator reduction , illustrates the use of function calls in the right-hand side of an equation, as well as a few small yacc and lex techniques. The abstract syntax and the rewrite rules are as follows.   

/* SKI combinator reduction */ %{ KC_REWRITE int cplus(); %}
exp: S() | K() | I() | ap(exp exp) | num(int) | plus() ;
ap(I(), x) -> x; ap(ap(K(), x), y) -> x; ap(ap(ap(S(), x), y), z) -> ap(ap(x, z), ap(y, z)); ap(ap(plus(), num(x)), num(y)) -> num(cplus(x, y));
Note that the operator num refers to a built-in type int, which the term processor maps to C. In the last rewrite rule, a C function cplus is called on values of this type. This function is defined in the main program, as follows.

/* SKI expression reduction, main */ #include "k.h" #include "rk.h" extern exp x;
void main() { yyparse(); print_exp(x); print_exp(rewrite_exp(x), base_rview); }
int cplus(int i, int j) { return i+j; }

In the yacc input some of the more mundane details of forcing the `right' associativity are illustrated, watch the lines that start with %left.   

/* yacc input SKI expression */ %{ #include "k.h"
exp x;
yyerror(char *s) { printf("%s\n", s); exit(1); } %}
%token <yt_int> NUM /* the next 2 lines force left associativity */ %left '(' 'i' 's' 'k' '+' NUM %left LEFT
%type <yt_exp> exp %%
theroot: exp { x = $1;};
exp: '(' exp ')' { $$ = $2;} | exp exp %prec LEFT { $$ = ap($1, $2);} | 'i' { $$ = I();} | 's' { $$ = S();} | 'k' { $$ = K();} | NUM { $$ = num($1);} | '+' { $$ = plus();} ;

Finally, the minimal lex input, which shows how to read and convert an integer properly, and how to make the keywords case insensitive.   

/* lex input for numbers */ %{ #include "k.h" #include "" #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> %} %% [0-9]+ { sscanf(yytext, "%d", &yylval.yt_int); return NUM;} [\t\n ] { ; } /* skip the white space */ . { return (isupper(yytext[0])?tolower(yytext[0]):yytext[0]); }

The program that is generated from this, reads and reduces combinator expressions. For example, the input s k i 1, which is really the identity operation applied to 1, yields num(1). The input s(s(k+)i)(k1)8, which illustrates the increment operation, yields num(9).

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