author: Justin Krooneman
title: Content for a Personal Health App
company: Salut
keywords: content, mobile, app development
topics: Case studies and Applications , Creative
committee: Ansgar Fehnker
started: September 2019
end: December 2019


Salut is a startup from VGZ, with their headquarters based in Arnhem. With more than 2,1 million insured, VGZ is one of the major health-insurance companies in the Netherlands. VGZ has always had the ambition to improve the health (and healthcare) of the population in the Netherlands and has invested in the Health Innovation Fund (HIF) for years. Salut is creating a platform on which users fill out five daily questions about how they feel today and if they did too few, enough or too much on the four themes. The four themes are the following: Beweging, Voeding, Ontspanning and a fourth user defined theme. The aim of the intership is to add templates, and a framework, that makes it possible for Salut to automatically add  external content to the Personal Health App.