FMT in the Media

Here we list appearences of FMT in the media and FMT press releases.

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June 21, 2012 Video about Marieke Huisman because of the EU campaign 'Science: It's a Girl Thing': Marieke Huisman, Dutch, Computer Scientist, University of Twente. [in English]
June 14, 2012 Press Release STW in: Partnershipprogramma ExploRail van start. [in Dutch]
June 14, 2012 Article in Wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar Spoorvertragingen. [in Dutch]
June 4, 2012 Article mentioning Marieke Huisman in Bits & Chips because of the European CARP project: UT in project met Arm voor heterogene architecturen. [in Dutch]
May 30, 2012 Article because of the European CARP project: ARM supports European research on GPU programming. [in English]
May 30, 2012 Article mentioning Marieke Huisman because of the European CARP project: European Researchers to Tackle Accelerator Programming. [in English]
May 30, 2012 Article because of the European CARP project: ARM supports European research project on accelerator programming. [in English]
May 30, 2012 Article because of the European CARP project: ARM Gets Behind Accelerator Programming Project. [in English]
May 16, 2012 Press Release ARM because of the kick-off of the European CARP project: European Researchers to Tackle Accelerator Programming. [in English]
Dec. 27, 2011 Article by Mariëlle Stoelinga in Bits & Chips: Model- en risicogebaseerd testen voeren boventoon op Nederlandse Testdag. [in Dutch]
Nov. 24, 2011 Press Release Mariëlle Stoelinga, Axel Belinfante, Mark Timmer in: Persbericht Nederlandse Testdag. [in English]
Oct. 15, 2011 Article mentioning Rom Langerak in Volkskrant: Game over voor computernerd. [in Dutch]
Aug. 8, 2011 Article about MSc thesis of Erik Hegeman in Tubantia: Enterse stresstest als APK voor software. [in Dutch]
Aug. 3, 2011 test item to test website in: Testing the FMT website. [in English]
Aug. 2, 2011 Article about MSc thesis of Eric Hegeman in Automatiseringsgids: Software beoordeelt software. [in Dutch]
July 30, 2011 Press Release because of MSc thesis Erik Hegeman: Automatische stress tests voor software code werken uitstekend. [in English]
July 27, 2011 Mariëlle Stoelinga in Trouw: Onbereikbaar krijgt nieuwe opzet. [in Dutch]
July 27, 2011 Article mentioning Mariëlle Stoelinga in Trouw because Problems with Dutch website . [in Dutch]
June 1, 2011 Interview with Machiel van der Bijl in Forbes blog: Machiel van der Bijl On Automated Software Testing. [in English]
June 1, 2011 Article by Marieke Huisman in IOVivat (26-4) because of ERC VerCors project: VerCors project. [in Dutch]

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