ANIMO is available for Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux operating systems.
A detailed manual for installing and using ANIMO is available in PDF. This page contains only a minimal installation guide.

Required software

  • Java can be installed via your software manager or downloaded from here
  • Cytoscape version 2.8.3 can be obtained via the Cytoscape download page (contact data are required). Instructions to install ANIMO for Cytoscape 3 (recommended) can be found here.
  • UPPAAL (at least 4.1) is free for academical use and available at UPPAAL home page. Non-academical users can gain access to UPPAAL via

Installing ANIMO

  1. ANIMO is free only for academic use.
    For commercial uses, please contact us at
  2. Run Cytoscape
  3. From the Plugins menu choose Manage Plugins
  4. Under the Settings tab, press the Add button
  5. Insert ANIMO as Name and as URL and press OK to confirm. The development version of ANIMO (experimental, less stable) can be installed via instead
  6. Select the new ANIMO item from the Download Sites list (it should appear under Cytoscape)
  7. From the panel on the left, select Available for Install, then Analysis and finally ANIMO v1.38
  8. Click on the Install button: ANIMO will be automatically installed
  9. ANIMO will ask for the location of the verifyta executable: it can be found in the bin (it can be bin-Linux, bin-Win32, ...) directory of the UPPAAL installation
  10. ANIMO is ready to be used

Updating ANIMO

  1. Run Cytoscape
  2. From the Plugins menu, choose Update Plugins
  3. Cytoscape will spend some time contacting all plugins providers
  4. If no plugins have been updated, the No updates available for currently installed plugins will be shown, otherwise a window with a list of updatable plugins will open
  5. If an updated version of ANIMO is available, it will appear under Updatable PluginsAnalysisANIMO v1.38: select it and press Update