Contributors to TorX
Involved in the development of TorX:
- Axel Belinfante
- Jan Feenstra
- René de Vries
Contributed to the theory behind TorX:
- Lex Heerink
- Jan Tretmans
- René de Vries
Provided feedback by doing case studies:
- Axel Belinfante
- Peter Christian
- Jan Feenstra
- Nicolae Goga
- Arjan de Heer
- Lex Heerink
- Robert Spee
- René de Vries
Provided feedback by giving demonstrations:
Cöte de Resyste project members:
- Axel Belinfante
- Ed Brinksma
- Henri Dol
- Jan Feenstra
- Loe Feijs
- Nicolae Goga
- Arjan de Heer
- Lex Heerink
- Ron Koymans
- Erik Kwast
- Sjouke Mauw
- Jan Tretmans
- René de Vries
Thanks to:
- STW for funding the project
- Van Gogh for funding travels to Irisa, Rennes, France
- The members of the``pampa'' research group at Irisa, Rennes
for hospitality, discussions and working together
- Gerard Holzmann
for making spin available in source form, and allowing distribution
of Trojka
- Jeff Kramer and Jeff Magee
for providing LTSA source that allowed us to build the LTSA-based explorer
- Interpay B.V. and contact person Cornel van Mastrigt for making possible and giving support during the Highway Tolling System case study
- CMG and contact person Wouter Geurts for making possible and giving support during the Oosterschelde Storm Surge Barrier case study
In memory of Jean Pierre Veen.