jararaca(1) - explore traces generated from regular expressions
Table of Contents
jararaca - explore traces generated from regular expressions
[ options ... ] [ file ]
jararaca -h
jararaca implements a (non-symbolic) explorer for
regular expressions, given in the jararaca input language. It reads the
regular expressions from file, if given, or otherwise from standard input,
and builds an automaton for it, that generates the set of traces that can
be produced from the regular expression. The automaton is then extended
with an epsilon selfloop with (label, event) string "epsilon" on the accept
state. Jararaca then offers the TorX explorer-primer interface on standard
input and output, to ``lazily'' explore this automaton, and hence, the set
of traces. Jararaca uses the (label, event) strings defined for its atomic
actions, instead of just using the action identifiers themselves.
following command line options are supported:
- -h
- print the version number
and an overview of the command line options, and exit.
- -a
- use the action
identifiers themselves instead of the (label, event) strings defined for
- -d
- print RFSM in dot(1) format to standard output and exit
- -e
- run the
explorer-primer interface on standard input and output (this is the default)
- -l eps
- add epsilon loop with (label, event) string eps to accept state. When
the TorX combinator sees a special action in the menu of one of its explorer/primers
(by default epsilon) it knows that jararaca has reached the accept state.
(by default a selfloop with (label, event) string epsilon is added on the
accept state)
- -L
- do not add epsilon self loop on the accept state
- -p
- print
parsetree in dot(1) format to file dest.pt.dot where dest is either the name
of the input file, or the string stdin if no input file was given and jararaca
read its input from standard input.
- -r
- print RFSM in dot(1) format to file
dest.rfsm.dot where dest is either the name of the input file, or the string
stdin if no input file was given and jararaca read its input from standard
- -s
- output strings instead of action id's
- -v
- verbose mode
input file contains 4 sections, each of which starts with a special keyword
that should appear at the start of a line. The sections have to appear in
order, and the keyword the starts a next section at the same time closes
the previous one. All identifiers should be defined before they can be used.
C style comments are allowed (comments start with /* and end with */ and
can not be nested)
The first section, which starts with the keyword %description
on a single line, contains a non-formal description of the test purpose,
its author, goal, date of writing, etc.
The second section, which starts
with the keyword %declare on a single line, contains declarations of the
actions that are used in the test purpose. An action declaration has the
action aid "text-string" ;
This defines an action identifier aid, together
with a ``verbose'' string representation text-string of it. The ``verbose'' string
representation is used unless the -a option of jararaca is used. If the -a
option is used, the strings may be left empty
(i.e. consisting just of ""). Action declarations can be grouped in named
sets, as follows: set sid { action aid1 "text-string1" ,
action aid2 "text-string2" ,
This defines the action identifiers aid1, aid2, etc. with their string
representations text-string1 and text-string2 as belonging to the set named
sid. The action identifiers and the set names can be used in the third and
fourth sections, which contain the regular expressions.
The third section,
which starts with the keyword %define on a single line, contains named
regular expressions, as
eid = regular-expression ;
This makes that a named
regular-expression can be used as sub-expression in the regular expressions
that follow it (in the third section and in the fourth section), by referring
to its name eid.
The fourth (and last) section, which starts with the keyword
%objective on a single line, contains the regular expression for which
the automaton should be build, and which should be explored.
semantics of the regular expressions are defined via a mapping function
T that maps regular expressions on a set of sequences of actions (i.e. as
a set of traces). In the definition we use . as concatenation operation on
sequences of actions. Below we list the valid regular expressions, and their
Atomic regular expressions are:
- aid
- the action defined with action
identifier aid in the %declare section
T(aid) = { aid }
- sid
- the action set defined with set identifier sid in
the %declare section, which is interpreted as the choice over the elements
a1, a2, ..., an if sid was defined as set {a1, a2, ..., an}
This is equivalent to regular expression (a1|a2| ...|an)
T(sid) = { a | exists <sid,A> and <a,s> in A }
- eid
- the regular expression defined
with regular expression identifier eid in the %define section, which is
interpreted as (e) if e is the regular expression that is assigned to eid
T(eid) = { s | exists <eid,re> and s in T(re) }
Regular expressions can be
built recursively using the following operators, where e, e1, and e2 are
regular expressions:
- e1.e2
- this gives the regular expression formed by concatenating
regular expressions e1 and e2
T(e1.e2) = { s1.s2 | s1 in T(e1) and s2 in T(e2) }
- e1|e2
- this gives the regular
expression formed by choosing regular expressions e1 or e2
T(e1|e2) = T(e1) union T(e2)
- e1>e2
- this gives the regular expression formed
by determinstically concatenating regular expressions e1 and e2. This is
done by removing the actions that appear at the ``head'' of e2 from the ``head''
of e1, and then non-deterministically doing e2, or doing e1 (minus the removed
actions) followed by e2
- e[m..n]
- this general repetion operator gives the
regular expression formed by doing e at least m and at most n times. m and
n should be greater than or equal to zero, and n should be greater than
or equal to m. The special value infinity is also allowed for m and n.
T(e[m..n]) = Union(m<=i<=n) T(e[i]) where
T(e[0]) = { EmptyString }
T(e[1]) = T(e)
T(e[2]) = { s1.s2 | s1 in T(e) and s2 in T(e) }
T(e[i]) = { s1. ... .si | s1 in T(e) and ... and si in T(e) }
- e*
- this gives the regular expression formed by doing e zero or more times.
This is equivalent to regular expressions e[0..] and e[0..infinity]
- e+
- this
gives the regular expression formed by doing e one or more times
This is equivalent to regular expressions e[1..] and e[1..infinity]
- e?
- this
gives the regular expression formed by doing e zero or one times
This is equivalent to regular expression e[0..1]
- e[n]
- this gives the regular
expression formed by doing e exactely n times.
n should be greater than or equal to zero.
This is equivalent to regular expression e[n..n]
- e[infinity]
- this gives the
regular expression formed by doing e infinitely many times.
This is equivalent to regular expression e.e[infinity] or e[infinity..infinity]
- (e)
- this gives the regular expression e.
This is used for grouping, to avoid ambiguous expressions.
jararaca enforces the use of parentheses where necessary.
Testpurpose 1-9
d.d. 12 december 2001
author: Rene de Vries
Goal: Test purposes for requirement 1-9 of conference protocol
set LU {
action o_PduJoin_P1 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_J(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduJoin_P2 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_J(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduAnswer_P1_C1 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduAnswer_P1_C2 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action o_PduAnswer_P2_C1 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduAnswer_P2_C2 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action o_PduData_P1 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_D(L_1,M1))",
action o_PduData_P2 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_D(L_1,M1))",
action o_PduLeave_P1_C1 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_L(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduLeave_P1_C2 "udp_out!UDP2!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_L(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action o_PduLeave_P2_C1 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_L(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action o_PduLeave_P2_C2 "udp_out!UDP3!UDP_DATAIND(UDP1,PDU_L(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action o_SpDataInd "cfsap_out!CF1!DATAIND(UT_A,M1)"
action i_PduJoin_C1 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_J(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action i_PduJoin_C2 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_J(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action i_PduAnswer_P1_C1 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action i_PduAnswer_P1_C2 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action i_PduAnswer_P2_C1 "udp_in!UDP3!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action i_PduAnswer_P2_C2 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_A(UT_A,CI_TWO))",
action i_PduData_P1 "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_D(L_1,M1))",
action i_PduData_P2 "udp_in!UDP3!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_D(L_1,M1))",
action i_PduLeave "udp_in!UDP2!UDP_DATAREQ(UDP1,PDU_L(UT_A,CI_ONE))",
action i_SpJoin_C1 "cfsap_in!CF1!JOIN(UT_A,CI_ONE)",
action i_SpDataReq "cfsap_in!CF1!DATAREQ(M1)",
action i_SpLeave "cfsap_in!CF1!LEAVE"
action delta "Delta";
/* general strategies */
LUD = LU|delta;
eager = LU*.delta;
/* rewriting/combinations */
i_PduData = i_PduData_P1 | i_PduData_P2;
SpJoinC1 = i_SpJoin_C1.LUD*;
JoinedConf = SpJoinC1.i_PduAnswer_P1_C1.i_PduAnswer_P2_C1;
o_PduJoin = o_PduJoin_P1 | o_PduJoin_P2;
o_PduAnswer_P1 = o_PduAnswer_P1_C1 | o_PduAnswer_P1_C2;
o_PduAnswer_P2 = o_PduAnswer_P2_C1 | o_PduAnswer_P2_C2;
o_PduAnswer = o_PduAnswer_P1 | o_PduAnswer_P2;
/* modeled requirements as test purpose */
/* we assume 2 potential conference partners */
Req1 = i_SpJoin_C1.(LUD*>o_PduJoin)[2];
Req2 = i_SpJoin_C1.LUD*.i_PduJoin_C1.LUD*>o_PduAnswer;
Req3 = i_SpJoin_C1.LUD*.i_PduJoin_C2.eager;
Req4 = SpJoinC1.i_PduAnswer_P1_C1.i_PduAnswer_P2_C2.
Req5 = JoinedConf.i_SpDataReq.eager;
Req6 = JoinedConf.i_PduData_P1.i_PduData_P2.eager;
Req7 = JoinedConf.i_SpLeave.i_SpJoin_C1.eager.i_SpDataReq.eager;
Req8 = JoinedConf.i_PduLeave.i_SpDataReq.eager;
Req9 = SpJoinC1.i_PduData_P1.eager;
Req1/* */
/* Req2 */
/* Req3 */
/* Req4 */
/* Req5 */
/* Req6 */
/* Req7 */
/* Req8 */
/* Req9 */
/*LUD */
Sometimes when we specify multiple requirements in
a single jararaca(1) input file, it is useful to then use a simple shell
script to select one of these requirements with a command line option or
an environment variable (instead of editing the file to uncomment the selected
requirement). The sh(1) (bourne shell) script below demonstrates how we
invoke primer(1) as torx-primer(5) with jararaca(1) as torx-explorer(5),
where the input file for jararaca(1) is preprocessed with cpp(1) using
environment variable TPFLAG. The %objective section of the above script
would then be replaced by just:
and TPFLAG could then be used to define TP, for example to something like
to select the first requirement.
cpp -C -E -P $TPFLAG $tpfile > $tmptpfile
primer -f $cfg "$@" jararaca $tmptpfile
rm -f $tmptpfile
The environment variable TORX_ROOT is not supported.
Because the TorX
explorer-primer interface ``works'' on standard input and standard output, it
is not possible to read the regular expression from standard input and
run the TorX explorer-primer interface or write the dot file to standard
output and run the TorX explorer-primer interface.
torx-explorer(5), torx-primer(5), primer(1), intersector(1), cpp(1), dot(1),
sh(1), environ(5)
By Email: <torx_support@cs.utwente.nl>
manual page documents version 3.9.0 of torx.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: pui(1) - simple primer user interface
Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: jararacy(1) - animate jararaca trace using lefty