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log2anifsm(1) - translate TorX log to anifsm input

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log2anifsm - translate TorX log to anifsm input


log2anifsm [ -p pattern ] [ logfile ]


log2anifsm reads a torx-log(4) from logfile or from standard input when no logfile is given and writes corresponding input for anifsm(1) on standard output, to visualize/animate the automaton of the test run. From the given logfile it takes super states from STATEID lines matching the given patterns, and actions from ABSTRACT lines. Multiple -p pattern command line options may be given.

If there are states from multiple torx tool components present in the logfile, the -p pattern command line option may be used to extract only the state information of a single tool component.

See Also

torx-intro(1), anifsm(1), log2aut(1), log2jararacy(1), torx-log(4)


By Email: <torx_support@cs.utwente.nl>


This manual page documents version 3.9.0 of torx.

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Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: jararacy2anifsm(1) - translate from jararacy to anifsm input format Valid HTML 4.01! Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: log2aniwait(1) - extract aniwait animation commands from torx log