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log2jararacy(1) - extract states from torx log file for jararacy

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log2jararacy - extract states from torx log file for jararacy


log2jararacy [ -p pattern ] [ logfile ]


log2jararacy extracts state information from a TorX torx-log(4) logfile. It takes init and trans states and edges from STATEID lines matching the given patterns in the given logfile, and outputs them on standard output in the jararacy(1) format. Multiple -p pattern command line options may be given. If no logfile is given, log2jararacy reads from standard input.

If there are states from multiple torx tool components present in the logfile, the -p pattern command line option may be used to extract only the state information of a single tool component.

See Also

torx-intro(1), jararaca(1), jararacy(1), torx-log(4)


By Email: <torx_support@cs.utwente.nl>


This manual page documents version 3.9.0 of torx.

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Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: log2aut(1) - translate TorX log to Aldebaran (.aut) Valid HTML 4.01! Appendix D: TorX Manual Pages: log2mctrl(1) - translate TorX log to mctrl input